
Click on any cover for contents and further information

homeHome: a philosophy of personal space

This book is an invitation to reflect of self and home, identity and belonging.

It is published by Brimstone Press and available in both paperback and ebook editions - and, as with my other Brimstone publications, will be kept as cheap as possible, especially in ebook form.

Click the cover to see what it offers!

MudThrough Mud and Barbed Wire

The story of two two great religious thinkers who found themselves on opposite sides in the Great War, and whose experience of the battlefields shaped their thinking and their lives - Paul Tillich (a Lutheran chaplain) and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (a Catholic stretcher-bearer).

I've self-published this title, and have made both paperback and e-book versions available as cheaply as possible. Click the cover for more information.

An introduction to each branch of philosophy, from'Teach Yourself'

These are a quick way into the subject for anyone new to these branches of philosophy. Written to the standard Teach Yourself format, the text is accessible and broken up into short sections, but always tries to offer an overall and balanced view of each topic.

religion philosEthicspolitical exist eastmind phil of science

buddhism'Buddhism: key ideas'

Formerly published by Hodder in their Teach Yourself series,101 Key ideas: Buddhism is now available as an e-book. It offers easy and flexible access to Buddhist idea.

'I was having trouble getting my head round many aspects of my Buddhism A-Level but as soon as I read this book it all became clear. It is a match between a dictionary and a text book, it only tells you the things you really need to know. I could not reccommend it enough to anyone who is either studying the subject or thinking of becoming a Buddhist.' (from a review on Amazon)

Priced at only £1.53, it just has to be a bargain! Click on the cover for further details.

AQAAQA Religious Studies (Year 2)

This substantial textbook, written with John Frye and Debbie Herring, is endorsed by the examination board for those taking Religious Studies papers at AQA. You'll know if you need this book!

John FryeYou can buy this title on Amazon (and support this website at no cost to yourself) by clicking...

AQA A-level RS Year 2

And here's John Frye himself...

Access for Students Series

For many years, students have successfully used mythree titles in Hodder's 'Access to Religion and Philosophy' series.

Now the original editions are out-of-print, I have made them available as e-books and paperbacks. From £1.99 / $2.99 for the e-books, and £7.99 / $9.99 for paperbacks.

Ethical theory Phil and eth science

philosophy for lifePhilosophy for Life

Published by Teach Yourself books, this is a substantially re-worked version of my earlier Understand Philosophy, with an emphasis on personal relevance.

In a 'post-truth' situation, misguided by 'fake news', ethical thinking becomes ever more important. Click the cover for more information.

Copies of the old edition, both new and used, are still available.

PBBThe life of reason does not always yield a reasonable life!

They may have behaved badly, but this book will give you an introduction to the thought of some great philosophers, including... Nietzsche, Russell, Sartre, Wittgenstein and Heidegger.

The book is co-authored with Nigel Rodgers.

beachThe Philosopher's Beach Book

The Philosopher's Beach Book offers you a light but thought-provoking read any time you want to grab a few moments out of your routine and do a bit of non-routine thinking.

Thirty five questions about life and its meaning, introducing a range of philosophical ideas and thinkers. It's light enough to read on the beach, but with ideas to get you thinking. And it's not just for holidays!

Come on! It's holiday time again soon; grab a copy to take with you!

mugAlthough words are my stock-in-trade, I find that some of my best thinking is done when walking, particularly when I get an opportunity to get out into inspiring countryside, or along a coastal path, as here at near Durdle Door in Dorset.

Some things can be seen but never fully expressed. At such times, I find that the most important thing is just to look, with an open mind, waiting to be influenced or inspired. That's also why I often take a camera with me. To see some of my travel photography, click here.

The world is not what we think about, but what we live in!

My next book...

Most of us, for most of the time, are practical atheists. That's partly because of the culture within which we live and partly because 'God' is such a strange word, standing for very different things - from the gods of Ancient Greeks to the philosophical quest for reality itself, and from a cultural legacy in literature, art and music to the existential questions it raises about the meaning of life.

My argument is that the idea of 'God' needs to be rescued from those who take it literally. Atheism, which can be positive, life-affirming and morally serious, might just be able to do the trick.

I'm still doing battle with this book, determined to be absolutely honest. It's taking longer than I thought, but is now scheduled for publication in early 2025.

Click here for more information and to read an article related to this subject, originally published in The Philosopher magazine.


Ethics for Life

The ever-popular Understand Ethics gets a personal makeover and new sections to bring it up to date.

Ethics for lifeClick on the cover for more information.

Copies of the old edition, both new and used, are still available.

meWhat does it mean to be 'me'? What has made me who I am? Can I change?

If you have asked yourself these questions, you need to read ME!

Listen in, but watch out!

John Murray learning / Teach Yourself have produced a Philosophy Masterclass audiobook.

Half of it is taken straight from my Philosophy for Life title - so if you've read the book, you might not want to get the audiobook.

However, it also offers material from Mark Vernon, and if you click on the sample on Amazon, you will hear most of the introduction to Philosophy for Life, beautifully read, for nothing!

For further information or to buy from Amazon, click here.

'Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.'

Ecclesiastes 12:12


Has Google killed off the need for basic introductions to factual subjects? Why get a book, whether printed or electronic, when more information than you can possibly need is available at a click of a mouse? If in doubt, click here 

buddhabud exp




I have these and other basic introductions to Buddhism, both for schools and for the general reader.

... for the Curious

Audio books, from Hodder & Stoughton with discussions chaired by Mark Vernon.


phil curious

world philLarge format and illustrated, academics from both the UK and the USA contribute to this introduction to philosophy from the perspective of both East and West.

It is out of print, but used copies are available via Amazon.

Out of print

To see other out-of-print titles that may be available used, and may be copied for classroom use, just click here.