
Brimstone titles by category:



Poetry & Drama



Christos: Lovesong of the Son of Man

image.pngby Gavin Bantock

GAVIN BANTOCK’s prize-winning epic poem newly revised from beginning to end fifty years after it was first written.

The archetypal portrait of a man fighting for self-perfection.

A strikingly unorthodox poetic account of the life of Jesus the Son of Man, of his soul-searching encounters with two co-protagonists – Johanan and Madelena, and of his harrowing struggle to make coherent, and to find expression for, the inspirational turmoil of his inner mind.

Winner of the Richard Hillary Award, 1964

Winner of the Alice Hun-Bartlett (Poetry Society) Award, 1966

With introduction, explanatory essays, synopsis, comprehensive notes & glossary.

313 pages
£20 free p&p




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