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Home: a Philosophy of Personal Space

Homeby Mel Thompson

This book is an invitation to reflect on self and home, identity and belonging.
The concept of 'home' reflects one of the deepest and most universal of human experiences. It manifests in everything from religion to nationalism, and from buildings and decor to nostalgia for the place of our birth.

We all need space to be ourselves; but we need it to be the kind of space that we can personalise - space that says something about who we are.

From a contemplation of the size of the universe and the orientation of temples in the ancient Near East, to home improvements and community loyalty, this book explores the ways in which we personalise the space around us in our quest to construct a unique and authentic sense of 'home'.

240 pages ISBN 978-1-906385-63-7

Buy from Amazon in the UK  (£1.99 Kindle or £8.99 paperback)

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The paperback can also be ordered direct from Waterstones, Foyles, or Barnes & Noble, using these links, or from your local bookshop.

In our quest for the personal and a sense of being 'at home', we are equally threatened by an impersonal universe and impersonal architecture. The cover poses that problem. Can I really belong in that universe or that city? What can I do to make it my home?

home top

The answer, I believe, lies in the process of personal 'mapping'... 

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